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Gas block modular boiler houses

Наша компании предлагает профессиональные услуги по проектированию систем теплоснабжения, водоснабжения, отопления и котельных.

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Gas block modular boiler houses for heating and hot water supply of own production

Contact number: 8 701 588 8953

Boiler rooms are equipped with boilers of various capacities from leading manufacturers (Viessmann, Buderos, Remix).

If necessary, boiler rooms are equipped with heat exchangers, water treatment and a DHW module.

Boiler capacity from 0.3 to 50 MW

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We provide a full range of services:
- selection
- engineering
- design
- production
- delivery
- installation
- commissioning
- service

If you need a reliable gas boiler, then we will offer you the optimal solution

Contact number: 8 701 588 8953

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